Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Hat in a fog

The weather reports keep telling me what wonderful weather I'm having. Don't you believe it! I wake in the morning to mist and fog and go to bed in an even thicker blanket of the stuff. Admittedly for a few hours each afternoon the sky clears and there is some welcome warmth and sunshine.
Yesterday I had an appointment in London and the drive there was not much fun. I pulled this hat out of its box to wear as it keeps me both warm and cheerful. It is 100% wool. It is more of a beret really and was made in Poland, the label states JMM tucki.
It makes my head look a bit like a cloutie dumplin' (a dumpling in a cloth!) but I have happily reached an age beyond caring.

This grey/black winter coat is by Oska, very light and warm and can be worn with anything. It has a huge, versatile collar that can be buttoned up or down and can almost be used as a hood. 

Black leggings and boots so old that I can't remember the make - but they're comfy!
For Patti's Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style.


  1. Hello there. I'm a Rosemary too, so there must be something magic in the name!

    I wanted to post on Not Dead Yet Style's Visible Monday, but couldn't figure out how to do it. After I followed the first instruction, nothing happened. So I gave up. I wish I was a geek.

    Rosemary from www.foreveronthecatwalkoflife.com

    1. Hello there! A Rosemary who went to art college - snap! (And you'll note that I am all ready to join your red hat group.)
      My computer skills are pathetically limited, I have been trying and failing to leave comments on a number of posts. It is so frustrating. The message says, 'prove you're not a robot' but so far I've been unable to do so!

  2. What an excellent portray, you standing in front of the bushes and the tall spruce (?). That's really a nice photo of yours!

    1. Hello Paula, you with the super new haircut! I'm so glad that it is such a success.

  3. You look lovely, Rosemary, in your wool hat and wonderful warm coat. Nothing like a dumpling whatsoever! Thanks so much for sharing your look with Visible Monday.

    1. Haa, you'll notice that I got photographed from a distance!

  4. The hat is lovely. I love the combination of color. I hope all went well in London. Hopefully spring will find you soon. Bonnie

    1. Dear Bonnie, I keep trying to leave messages on your blog with no success. I loved your last posting and am excited to be following (in Blogland) your plans for a birthday bash to Paris with your daughter. How exciting!

  5. There is a wonderful quiet drama here. A beautiful coat with a cherry on top! The coat's collar is divine, so unique. And the hat looks lovely on you. You are very striking.

  6. What a wonderful hat! I like the collar on the coat as well. Hope that fog clears for you soon.

    1. Yes, it's a really silly hat and I love it!
      It's still foggy.
