Friday, 2 June 2017

St Ives

Shortly after returning home from our friend's funeral we were contacted by his solicitor to say that David had left us some gifts. His house was being cleared, would we collect our items from the auction house. We booked an overnight stay at the hotel, staying in one of the rooms of the original house with this lovely tiled fireplace.
We often enjoy sunshine on our trips to Cornwall but on this occasion StIves was enveloped in a sea mist - what we Northerners call a 'haar'. Whatever the weather, St Ives is a lovely place to be. We walked into town along the coastal path where arum lilies were flowering.

More lilies in the churchyard
and interesting old gravestones.
The tide was out
and people were walking across the harbour sand.

We had a mooch around Tate Modern.
I like the staircase decorations best!

Not too convinced by the use of semi-precious stones,
this one looks like a pimple!
Then into town
to poke about the narrow streets.

We peered in the window of Armstrong and Wing at paintings 'in the style of' the artist Alfred Wallis.

Then to our favourite eating place
tucked up in a booth
for tapas

as the tide rolled in
and the surfers were engulfed by the mist.


  1. What a beautiful trip to go on with you. So different there.

    1. It is a lovely place. I've photographed it many times, but usually in sunshine as we go there when the weather report sounds promising.

  2. Thank you for the trip to St. Ives. I could almost hear the seagulls. But what did your friend leave you???? Hope I am not rude to ask...

    1. Aah, lovely things! carvings from Italy, Portugal and Africa and an Indian vase.
      The seagulls can be a pest - never eat in the street in St Ives!

  3. What a lovely area to visit. You take us to such interesting places.

    1. That's what I think when I look at the posts other bloggers, seeing places that I shall never visit in the flesh.
