Sunday 24 May 2020

Windy Corner

Gracious, what a mess everything is! Look at my scarlet pompoms and the wind blowing your skirt about, and the ground so hard that not a prop will stick in, and then the carriage having to go out, when I had counted on having Powell, who - give everyone their due - does tie up dahlias properly.

It is Mrs Honeychurch in E. M. Foster's book, 'A Room With A View' who is speaking. Her house is called, 'Windy Corner' and she is in despair about the damage that has been done to the flowers in her garden. I know just how she feels! We have had some extremely strong winds, not a good thing at this time of year when  leaves and stems are young and easily damaged.
At least I'm not battling the wind in Edwardian clothing like Mrs Honeychurch. I think it's a beautiful period for women's fashion, but neither comfortable nor practical. I  pretty much live in either denim shorts or jeans when I'm working outside. I hadn't intended to work in the garden today, I find the wind stressing, but I'm still slobbed out in denim, a pinafore dress from the year dot and a much-loved little cashmere cardi from Brora.
I didn't stay out for long!


  1. LOVE the pinafore dress!!
    While I love walking on a windy day, there is a point when the wind gets past being pleasant or exciting and I just want it to stop. I wonder whether flowers and shrubs feel the same!

    1. The recent winds have been beyond the exhilarating stage and have felt quite stressing, tearing fresh leaves from the trees, bringing down a few branches and breaking the stems of my delphiniums. I'm sure the plant life must have been saying please stop now!

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