Thursday 8 January 2015


What has been done in the name of religion absolutely appals me. My loved ones are in Paris this week having a special time together.  They have emailed to say that they are fine.
The trip is a combined Christmas and birthday present to Himself from our elder daughter.
Our daughters lead busy lives and the time that we spend with them is limited. The deaths of three friends in as many months at the end of last year reminded us how precious is time spent together.
The photos that are being emailed to me of their exploits demonstrate that they are eating well!
But have you heard the expression, 'while the cat 's away the mice will play'?  This mouse has had a girls' lunch and a girls' night in. Puddings were eaten and the world put to rights!


  1. So happy they are safe! It is horrifying! We must all stand with Paris!

    1. Safely back home now, thank you, Wendy. All these senseless killings, what a tragedy it is.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank goodness for modern communication, Coulda, I was regularly reassured by email that they were safe and well.

  3. After a tragedy it's always reassuring to know where everyone is. Your mouse play looks absolutely yummy!

    1. Just so, Melanie. And this mouse had a lovely time with friends and neighbours - now I'm all talked out!

  4. It is such a sad and beautiful life, isn't it? Spectacular puddings!

    1. I didn't get to eat the delicious-looking chocolate soufflé - with gold! The photo was emailed to me :-( But I made little pots of damson fool by way of a response!
