Sunday 30 June 2024

Recent reads.

I used to enjoy and respect Margaret Atwood's work, both her novels and her poetry. As her writing has become ever more dystopian my enthusiasm for her writing has waned and this book I positively disliked. It felt manipulative and sour in tone. I missed the reading group meeting so I don't know what the other members thought of it.
Another book group offering, this time by an author that is new to me. Quite a distinctive style, I shall have to read more of his work to find out is it is particular to this novel or is his regular pattern of writing. I enjoyed it.
I was lucky enough to be in Yorkshire for a meeting of the Dale's book group which meets in the village pub. I had thought that the choice of book was linked to the recent D-Day commemorations but that was not the case. Edgar, who choose the book, had first read it at the age of eighteen when he was a schoolboy about to embark on what was then compulsary national service. What an astonishing and moving book. I knew the story, having seen the equally impressive film of the book. Imagine having read this book after the First World War and then having to go and fight in the second! (I was delighted to learn that Remarque had escaped those horrors and gone to live in America, complete with a Hollywood wife!)

1 comment:

  1. Of your recent reads, the Remarque one is the only one I know. I have read and reviewed it in 2015; you can find my review here, if you are interested:
    "Reservoir 13" sounds intriguing, especially since you say his style is distinctive.
    As for Margaret Atwood, I do respect her skill as an author, but her books are not mine.
