Wednesday, 30 September 2020

A present from Yorkshire

 A parcel arrived last week from Betty's, a present of goodies from that well-known Yorkshire teashop. What a delight! Betty's was the shop that the family went to throughout my childhood if we wanted a treat, afternoon tea with my mother, but more usually a box of cakes chosen by my father, in which there would always be a vanilla slice, which was his favourite. When we visit Yorkshire now, (sigh - not since last January) the nearest Betty's is in Northallerton and it always tempts me in to buy a few things.

Of course, what has always made the food so delicious, delicately made and beautifully presented, is that it was created by a Swiss!

Presentation is something that I care about, having made my living in the past by illustrating a motley collection of  things; packets, wine bottle labels, cans and tins. All the Betty's packaging is very pleasing to the eye.

The purchase that I always make, however, is traditionally Yorkshire, a large curd tart. I think that Betty's is the tastiest one you can buy! Here in the south-west I make my own with  cottage cheese but when I was living in Yorkshire the farmer's wife used to give me the beestings, the rich milk produced when a cow has calved, and hers is the recipe that I use. 

Beestings would have been the original curds and whey that Miss Muffet ate. 

Dorothy Horner's Curd Tart.

5oz sugar and 4oz butter beaten to a cream.

12oz curds, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon nutmeg

4oz currants and two or three eggs. Mix well.

gas mark 6 approx 25 minutes.

The secret is to be generous with the nutmeg!


  1. My Yorkshire relatives have sometimes been sending me a treat or two from Betty's for a birthday or at Christmas, always very welcome, and as you say, the packaging is beautiful! So far, I have never actually been inside the one at Harrogate (our closest), because the queue outside put me off.
    Isn't it funny how something a Swiss made has become so traditional Yorkshire?

    1. I'm delighted that you also receive treats from Bettys. Next time you are in Harrogate you must buy a large Yorkshire curd tart and let me know what you think!
      I think the Swiss introduced a new level of finesse and presentation with their products - just the thought of them makes my mouth water!

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